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Elevate Your Automation Game with Benchmarking

Be the first to discover how your operations measure up with Pointee's pioneering Benchmarking feature.

Join teams all over the world

Introduction: Benchmark your way to the top with Pointee

Pointee is proud to be the first Intelligent Automation Management Platform to offer a groundbreaking benchmarking functionality. This unique feature enables automation teams to compare the effectiveness of their operations with peers and industry leaders globally.

See metrics of top performers

Identify areas for improvement by comparing your metrics with top performers in your industry.

Optimize automation tactics

Adopt best practices and industry standards from leaders in your field to enhance your automation strategies.

Improved decision-making

Use verified data to support your operational decisions and strengthen stakeholder confidence.

Loved by automation leaders world-wide

How Benchmarking Works

Access comprehensive insights including benchmarks from various industries, and see where you stand in terms of efficiency, cost savings, and innovation. Our platform allows you to leverage these insights for making informed decisions and strategic improvements.

Forget difficult goal setting for your automation teams

Harness the power of first-to-market benchmarking functionality and make goal setting a breeze by accessing and comparing insights from other automation teams in your industry.


"Pointee boosts your team's efficiency, turning complex automation into manageable tasks with fewer resources."

Kieran Gilmurray
Digital Automation and Robotics Limited, CEO

"Rely on Pointee to enhance your automation strategy—reduce downtime and dependency on large teams for faster problem resolution."

Olivier Gomez
Co-Founder & CEO,

"Pointee helps us to spot issues quickly. Without it, we'd need twice as many people on our devops team."

Vít Blažek
RPA Team Lead, ČSOB

"Pointee gives me a unique way of visualizing our process automation operations."

Ondrej Kuchynka
Smart Automation Hub Lead, Atlas Copco

"Pointee gives us the ability to monitor the performance of all processes in real-time and quickly respond to potential issues before they become escalated as critical incidents."

Michal Kára
Executive Manager of IPA, ČSOB

Are you ready to transform your operations with unmatched insights?

Start benchmarking with Pointee today and set a new standard in your industry.